

研究了一类特殊张量及其简单性质。从 Markov 链的转移概率矩阵出发,考虑到多步转移概率矩阵中所存储的信息仅表示从状态 i 经 n 步到达状态 j 的总概率,而无法从中直接读出转移过程途经各状态i 1,i 2,…,im-1的概率,因此提出了可用张量来存储相应的信息,称之为转移过程张量。在此基础上提出了超随机张量的概念,并根据 Chapman-Kolmogorov 方程证明了某些转移过程张量即为超随机张量。此外,研究了超随机张量的一些简单性质。
A special kind of tensor and its simple nature were studied and proved.Since the information stored in n-step transition probability matrix only expresses the total probability from state i to j in ex-actly n steps,and cannot give the probability of going from i to j via the states of i 1 ,i 2 ,…,im-1 ,a con-cept of transition process tensor was proposed to store these probabilities.Moreover,it also gave the definition of super stochastic tensor,according to Chapman-Kolmogorov equations,it was proved that some transition process tensors were super stochastic tensors.Some properties of super stochastic tensor were also studied.

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Due to the uncertainties that exist in the running of the analog circuits, the traditional Hidden Markov Model (HMM)approach is improved. The state transition probability matrix of the traditional model is replaced by time-varying one that more satisfies the actual situation. An updating control factor is introduced for avoiding the excess updating of the state transition probability in the initial stage of each state. The Linear Discriminant Analysis(LDA)is used to reduce dimensionality and remove redundancy of the voltage feature vectors, which are for HMM’s training and testing in order to achieve recognition and diagnosis of the incipient faults in analog circuit. The experimental results indicate that the improved HMM has better fault recognition capability than the traditional HMM.

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Through the introduction of D -Markov model in the field of engineering , combined with the wavelet transform and symbolic time series analysis , a method of financial volatility pattern recognition and anomaly detection was put forward . Wavelet coefficient sequence was generated from the discrete wavelet transform of volatility series .Then, the D-Markov model of symbolic time series , which was the wavelet coefficient sequence after symbolization , was build to get the state transition prob-ability matrix.Subsequently , anomaly measure as the standard Euclidean distance between state probability vectors of states tran -sition probability matrixes and state probability vector under standard volatility series was computed .Financial volatility pattern was recognized and abnormal volatility was detected based on the anomaly measure .With high frequency data whose sampling in-terval was 5 minutes from Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite Index , the feasibility and validity of this method

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It is frequent to search a lot of useless states and actions which can result in redundant calculations in solving planning problems over a non-deterministic state-transition system in non-determinate plan field. Getting state accessibility relation for the nondeterministic state-transition system can avoid useless searching, reduce redundant calculations and create a guided information for the nondeterministic state-transition system. Based on acyclic reachability relation , this paper defined the calculation rules of matrix multiplication, classification of circular reachability relation and two-reachability relation. It aslo presented the method to get circular reachability relation and designed an algorithm for this. The example proves the validity and correctness of the algorithm. If the non-determinate plan has the information of state accessibility, it can delete useless states and actions to reduce the size of the problem and improve solution efficiency of solving planning prob

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The Η∞ control problem of Markov jump singular systems with incomplete transition rates is discussed. A new bounded real lemma for continuous time Markov jump singular systems is derived and then expanded to systems with partial transition rates. Moreover, an Η∞controller is designed to make sure that the closed-loop systems are admissible and satisfy Η∞criteria. The given method also covers the systems with the mode-dependent singular matrix and the controller is designed in terms of a set of strict linear matrix inequalities. Finally, a simulation example is given to illustrate the effectiveness and advantages of the proposed method.
Most of the current text watermarking algorithms are based on external features of text, but sel-dom the internal relationship of text content is used . This paper constructs the coreference redundancy ma-trix as the direct carrier by analyzing the coreference redundancy of the sentences’ subjects and objects in the text, locates the coreference redundancy matrix elements which need to be modified according to the watermarking information and matrix coding rules, then revises the original text based on the entity status coding and state transfer operations. This algorithm can resist the attacks of the format changing, synonym substitution and so on with a lower modification rate and better robustness.

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To study the initial error propagation of elliptical orbit , a new method was developed based on the state transition matrix of T-H equation . Firstly , the true state and predict state of one space object can be considered as two objects :a real one and a virtual one . Considering predict error as relative motion between these two objects , the relative motion theory was used to study the characteristic of error propagation . Secondly , the state transition matrix of T-H equation was introduced to analyze the propagation of initial error , with which the trend of error propagation in each direction was obtained . Finally ,a simulation case was designed to validate the correctness of the new method ,and the Monte-Carlo method and the new method were used to calculate error propagation of typical elliptical orbit . The results were compared with the HPOP′s results . Most of the relative error is less than 2% , and is consistent with the trend of the theoretical analysis results .

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Offshore substation is the key to offshore wind farm power energy transmission. A novel modeling method based on Markov process was put forward for reliability research of offshore substation electrical equipment. Firstly, operation condition of electrical equipment was divided in order to determine the two state Markov model. Secondly, through analysis of connection form of basic electrical element, its state transition probability matrix and a transition probability density matrix were established. The reliability model of major offshore wind farm substation equipment such as transformers, bus-bar, and cable was established based on Markov equation. The reliability index of the offshore wind farm substation systems was analyzed. Finally, on the basis of some offshore wind farm specific data, combining with the reliability model, the reliability index of the offshore wind farm substation system was analyzed.

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To quantify reliability and parametric sensitivity of the ultra HVDC (UHVDC) system, hierarchical models for reliability equivalent and improved F&D method are newly proposed. Based on the system configuration and the operation characteristics, multiple capacity levels, transformer winding connections, and single station sharing spare are considered. The UHVDC system is classified to several sub-systems, whose state spaces are derived and combined to yield the whole state space. The traditional frequency and duration (F&D) method necessitates manual search and calculating transition frequency to acquire transition rate, which is fallible, and the calculation efforts increases with the states. Improved F&D method based on matrix description yields relation of the transition matrices before and after equivalence. Sensitivity between system reliability indices and components’ reliability parameters is finally derived. Numerical results show that the proposed model and algorithm
给出了一种交互多模型(interacting multiple model,IMM)算法中 Markov 转移概率矩阵在线修正的方法,并将平方根容积卡尔曼滤波器(square-root cubature Kalman filter,SRCKF)引入到 IMM 算法中,提出一种时变转移概率的机动目标跟踪 IMM-SRCKF 算法。该算法利用当前量测中包含的模式信息,对 IMM 算法中的转移概率矩阵进行实时递推估计,避免了常规 IMM 算法中转移概率先验确定的困难,提高了模型切换速度和跟踪精度;同时,SRCKF 以目标状态协方差的平方根进行迭代更新,确保了滤波过程中协方差矩阵的对称性和半正定性,改善了数值精度和稳定性。仿真实验结果表明,该算法对机动目标的跟踪性能优于常规的 IMM 及 IMM-CKF算法。
An on-line updating method of Markov transition probability for the interacting multiple model (IMM)algorithm is proposed,and the square-root cubature Kalman filter(SRCKF)is introduced into IMM,so a novel time-varying Markov transition IMM-SRCKF algorithm is obtained.Using real-time recursive estimation method based on the system mode information implicit in the current measurements,the proposed algorithm ef-fectively avoids the problem of prior determination of the Markov transition probability matrix in traditional IMM.Furthermore,SRCKF propagates the square root of the covariance in filter interaction so that it guaran-tees the symmetry and positive semi-definiteness of the covariance matrix and greatly improves the numerical stability and numerical accuracy.Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm has better tracking per-formance and higher efficiency compared with the conventional IMM and IMM-CKF.